CLEMENTIA, the students' association of the department of Computer Science and Engineering, SIMAT, has been organizing a sequence of talks for the welfare of the students. categorized under different categories based on the nature of the event as detailed below.
Unravelling Technologies of the Future
Series of talks are organized under the series titled 'Unravelling Technologies of the Future'. Technology is ambiguously seen both as a friend and a foe. Innovation driv technologies (e.g. Al, robotics, biotechnology, and nanotechnology) could be transformative in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The aim of the series is to spread about the impact of the advancement in technology and preparing them to be equipped with the skills required so that they use it for the best interests of the society.
Linking Passion with Academia
Series of talks are organized under the webinar series titled 'Linking Passion with Academia'. The aim of this series is to help and motivate students to pursue their passion along to keep trying and finding a niche for one's self, and to maintain mental and physical fitness.
Series of talks are organized under the webinar series titled 'Linking Passion with Academia'. The aim of this series is to help and motivate students to pursue their passion along to keep trying and finding a niche for one's self, and to maintain mental and physical fitness.
Talks To Promote Professional Development
Engineering Awareness and Outreach
Deeper Understanding and Practical Skills
Technical Knowledge and Skills